Understanding the City's capital repair process
Community clubs save for periodic patching and painting of the coloured tennis courts surfaces. After a while, the courts will need more attention, and members of club executives will want to understand the City capital repair process. The following are a few notes to help.
Your City Councillor may also be in a position to help.
SOGR (state of good repair)
City assets, like tennis courts are assessed every 5 years or so by an engineering form. The information is formatted and uploaded into the City's Capital Asset Management Plan (CAMP). All sites are prioritized, based on condition and need of repairs or rehabilitation, and assessed a funding value and cash flowed within the City's 10 year capital program.
When the project rises up to the current capital year, the City's capital staff visit the site with Parks staff to see what needs to be done. Parks and capital staff then determine the best approach to get the work done and in consultation with the local Councillor and at times residents.
Asphalt paving is a weather-sensitive operation and ideally should be carried out from May to November weather permitting.
For information on the City's Budget and Capital Project List, click here.
For information on the City's guidelines for tennis court construction, click here.
Making capital requests
If residents feel a parks asset needs significant repair, they should contact call 311 or email 311.toronto.ca Their information is then passed along to Park Supervisor who will consider it when reporting on capital needs to Senior Management.
Partnering with the City
Partnering with the City, offering club money for infrastructure projects, may be a way ahead for your club's needs.
For information on opportunities to partner with the City, click here.
(If your club has its own story on partnering with the City, please contact us - see button below - and let us know so we can share the information with other clubs.)