Junior League Rules
The League
Is a mixed league allowing for any combination of boys and girls although each team needs to field at least one boy and one girl at each match.
U10 matches are scheduled at 4-5 pm and U14 at 5-6 pm and U18 6-7 pm unless otherwise noted on the schedule.
Is an entry level league and therefore eligible players must not be provincially ranked in the Top 50 of any age category.
On court coaching is permitted on changeovers and encouraged by a designated Team Coach.
Home Team responsibilities
Pre-match contact with their scheduled opponent by Thursday prior to the match.
Advise of any dress code requirements or site specific rules prior to any match.
Emailing the score sheet by the Tuesday following the match to answers@tennistoronto.ca
Provide match balls (green dot balls for U10 and regular balls for U14 and U18) and a post match snack.
Match supervision
Each club shall provide an adult (over 18) club member or club professional at all matches to represent that club and deal with any disputes, player injuries or behavioural problems during match play.
Match definition
A League match is defined as 3 separate doubles teams ranked 1 to 3 with #1 having the highest skill level and # 3 the lowest skill level, playing 12 games or for 1 hour, whichever comes first. Each game won is worth a single point towards their team’s total season score.
Season ending tournament
To be eligible for entry into the tournament a player must have played 2 regular season matches for their team.
May only enter a single flight and age category for the tournament.
Rules of conduct
All players, their supporters, and officials have a duty to encourage and maintain the highest standards of sportsmanship, courtesy and fair play, and are under an obligation to avoid all conduct, acts or practices, which are perceived to be detrimental to the integrity of the Game. Please review the OTA Code of Conduct and the Tennis Canada Rules of the Court.