Tennis Toronto Committee Positions
There are five volunteer positions on the Tennis Toronto (TT) Committee:
Each position is elected at the Tennis Toronto AGM by club representatives in attendance (each club has 1 vote) and is held for 1 year. A person on the Committee may run again for the same or another position at the next AGM.
To run for a position at the AGM, you must be nominated by 2 member clubs and let Tennis Toronto know at least 20 days before the AGM by sending an email to answers@tennistoronto.ca.
If you would like to help out in some other way, please let us know, again, by emailing us at answers@tennistoronto.ca.
Current occupants of the positions are shown on our Contact page.
Regional Chairperson
Is head of Tennis Toronto (TT) and represents its member clubs
Oversees the TT Committee, hires part-time paid contract staff, or designates another Committee Member to do so and ensures they that part-time staff sign written annual contracts
Coordinates two member club meetings and the AGM a year, as well as TT Executive meetings, and chairs all meetings
Ensures someone from the TT Committee attends the City of Toronto Tennis Liaison Committee meetings (normally 1-2 / year)
Promotes tennis by facilitating the delivery of region-specific programs which meet the needs of member clubs and support the objectives of the OTA
Attends the OTA Board meetings (is a constituent member of the OTA board), prepares an annual report for the OTA AGM, attends the AGM, and reports to the OTA
Requirements: Ideally has served as a Toronto Community Club President or Executive member and has strong leadership, organizational and communication skills.
Creates annual budget for Tennis Toronto.
Writes cheques as needed (two signatures are always needed) and keeps a binder with the invoices, cheque numbers, and retains a record of accounts.
Gives budget amounts for events (at meetings)..
Tracks what is spent to ensure TT stays within budget.
Produces a year-end financial summary.
Attends the TT Committee and member club meetings and AGM.
Creates the agenda for the Committee meetings and sends it to the Committee members.
Attends the TT Committee and member club meetings and AGM.
Takes minutes of the meetings (noting relevant action items with dates), sends them to the Executive within 2 weeks after the meetings, and keeps copies of the minutes.
Communications Director
Is responsible for maintaining the Tennis Toronto website (keeping OTA, City, and other information relevant to the clubs current).
Responsible for having event invitations and group emails sent to club contacts and keeping the club contact list current.
Attends the TT Committee and member club meetings and AGM.
Junior Development Director
Oversees the TT Junior League and supports the staff Junior League Director.
Helps clubs get ideas on ways to develop their junior programs.
Promotes OTA programs for juniors.
Attends the TT Committee and member club meetings and AGM.